Engagement on the rise
Apr 11, 2016

Last autumn 81% of Valmet’s employees participated in the OurVoice engagement survey and gave valuable input for how to take Valmet forward. The results of the survey improved for nearly all questions, with total employee engagement increasing globally by nine percentage points to 65%.
At Valmet we believe that an engaged and performance-driven community is built from within. OurVoice gives everyone at Valmet the opportunity to be part of the discussion and influence how we take this company forward.
“With the good result also comes pressure to deliver. This year actions will also be taken on the team level,” says Julia Macharey, SVP Human Resources.
The results of OurVoice 2015 have been discussed in teams across Valmet and each business line, area and Valmet as a whole have defined specific OurVoice focus areas for the year ahead. To ensure good follow-up, completion rates for OurVoice-related actions are monitored and reported on every quarter.
“Based on the 2015 results, one of the global focus areas is activating managers as role models for our values. Activities supporting progress in this area have already been linked to Valmet's Manager Role and the related manager development framework, which incorporates 360 Feedback and a variety of values-focused learning opportunities for managers. All managers will be activated to learn more by participating in the Leading through values learning path and challenged to put the values into action in their daily work during the course of the year.”
Watch the video to the right to find out more about Valmet's sustainability actions and achievements!