Heat production

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With our proven and reliable technology, you will produce heat in a sustainable manner. We offer heating plant solutions that are designed based on the customer’s needs and the available fuel.

Flexible delivery scope

The high level of automation allows for unmanned operation of the plants, requiring only periodic supervision.

The architecture and low noise level of the plants enable them to be located in the immediate vicinity of residential areas.

The heating plants are engineered and built to meet the most stringent environmental requirements.

Flexible delivery scope: The plant can either be built on site as a turn-key delivery, allowing us to take customer specifications into consideration in terms of layout, or we can deliver the process equipment to the client’s facility.

Automation solutions

Valmet is specialized in the automation of fluidized bed boilers in greenfield and retrofit projects.

In addition to combustion control and optimization solutions, the Valmet DNA Automation System includes versatile performance monitoring applications for the fluidized bed boiler, a fuel management system for solid fuel received, condition monitoring and other DCS features designed for power plant automation.

Our expertise is at your service

Our expertise is at your service

Our focus is to bring your performance forward. Our expertise in sustainable energy production is at your disposal. Get in touch with our specialists through your local Valmet office, or the link below.

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