Fiber processing


FTC is the perfect test center for pulping processes. We offer complete services within the areas of chemical and high yield pulping, and fiberboard processes.

How can FTC move your projects and technology forward?

Every raw material and every pulp is unique. This is the simple background to why we believe it is necessary to perform trials with relevant chips and pulps. Such testing should be the basis for equipment and process design.

FTC helps you with lab, pilot and full scale testing. Our equipment and infrastructure allow for trials involving a few grams, hundreds of kilograms, or even up to several hundred tons per day for certain equipment. We work at lab scale in the cooking, bleaching and recausticizing areas, and at pilot scale when it comes to high yield pulping. We can also carry out full scale experiments in the screening and washing areas.

High yield pulping

Valmet is a market leader in high yield mechanical pulping technologies and has a long experience of performing pilot scale trials. At FTC we process chips in various refiner based high yield pulping systems.


We simulate your current or planned cooking processes and have a thorough knowledge of linking laboratory results to expected results at mill scale.


In our laboratories we simulate various bleaching stages and bleaching sequences for chemical and mechanical pulps. This includes oxygen delignification, alkaline extraction and bleaching with chlorine dioxide, hydrogen peroxide, ozone, etc.


In our screening systems we can test runability, capacity and removal efficiency in scales ranging from one tonne per day to several hundred tonnes per day.


We carry out washing and dewatering trials at bench scale as well as in a full scale system, using a TwinRoll press.


FTC offers tests related to a wide range of reliable and innovative solutions within the recausticizing area.

Our expertise is at your service

Our expertise is at your service

Our focus is to bring your performance forward utilizing our extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of pulp process technology. Get in touch with our experts through your local Valmet office, or the link below.

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