Extensive heritage for lime kiln services in the pulp and paper industry
Apr 11, 2019
Valmet is a strong and experienced partner for lime kiln projects and services.

Valmet is the leading original equipment manufacturer on the lime kiln technology with a heritage of governing 40% of the global operating lime kilns within pulp and paper industry. Lime kilns became part of Valmet's own inhouse offering in 2013 when Valmet purchased FLSmidth's lime kiln technology for pulp and paper industry.
In recent years, Valmet has invested heavily in lime kiln services; in training of field service specialists, launching of new products and launches in new markets. This has resulted in leading reference cases in many new markets.
With this heritage Valmet is the natural supplier for lime kiln technology development, services as well as spare and wear parts for FLSmidth, FFE Minerals or Fuller lime kiln system components. Valmet lime kiln spare parts and services are available from any Valmet location around the world at our Service Centers, through our online shop and via our global experts.