Customer case:

Increased reliability with roll service agreement

Oct 26, 2016

Savon Sellu signed a roll service agreement for the board machine with Valmet in 2011.

References_Savon Sellu roll service agreement_570x277.JPG
When we began having trouble with the large process rolls and saw an increase in the number of unplanned shutdowns, roll management became a focus area in maintenance. For this purpose, we got a fine partner”.
Jussi Herranen, Maintenance Manager, Savon Sellu

Summary table

Location Kuopio, Finland
Customer target Main goals were defined in detail; achieve long running times for rolls, to service and grind the rolls with minimal effort, clear operating model and decrease the number of unplanned shutdowns due to rolls. 
Solution The agreement included covering, grinding, roll service and service parts. Also maintenance and operating training was included. Condition monitoring software application by Valmet Automation continuously monitor 350 points in the board machine.
Results Doubled running times of the roll covers in the third press, unplanned shutdowns caused by these rolls was eliminated.

Technical data

Grade Semi-chemical fluting, Powerflute
Wire width 6,700 mm
Production speed 700 m/min
Production capacity About 275,000 tonnes per year
"With the rolls operating without problems, availability and cost efficiency have clearly increased. Knowing precisely the prices and service times for roll service, grinding and covering means that we save time."
Mr. Pasi Riikonen, Mechanical Area Supervisor at the board mill