Valmet-delivered biopower plant heats our workshop carbon neutrally
Jun 13, 2023
Naistenlahti 3 biopower plant delivery to Tampereen Sähkölaitos was quite a unique project. Rarely is a plant designed and manufactured in most parts so close to its destination, and the heat produced by the plant used by the same location where it was manufactured. But this was the case with the Naistenlahti 3 biopower plant: Valmet engineers, who designed the plant, mainly worked at the Lentokentänkatu office, only six kilometers from Naistenlahti and a significant portion of the boiler was manufactured only seven kilometers from the site at our Lahdesjärvi Production Unit.

"From the manufacturing point of view, the project was typical for us. What made it unique was that we delivered the boiler so nearby. Usually, our link to the product is severed when it leaves our premises. In this case, our employees live in the Tampere area or its vicinity, and many have connections to the Tampereen Sähkölaitos," says Ville Lehtikangas, workshop manager at the Lahdesjärvi production unit.
The connection between the Lahdesjärvi Production Unit and Naistenlahti 3 biopower plant continues: the plant produces carbon-neutral district heating for the Lahdesjärvi facilities, reducing its CO2 emissions and thus supporting Valmet in reaching its Climate Program targets. The circle closes.
Lahdesjärvi production unit heats now carbon neutrally
In addition to its geographical location, what made the project unique was that Valmet utilizes the carbon-neutral heat produced by the plant. The buildings and domestic hot water at the Lahdesjärvi production unit are heated with carbon-neutral district heating based on bioenergy. With this change, Valmet is closer to realizing its environmental program.
Valmet aims to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by 80% by 2030. Acquiring carbon-free electricity and district heating is an integral part of this objective.

Naistenlahti 3 biopower plant is located six kilometers from Valmet's Lentokentänkatu office and seven kilometers from Lahdesjärvi Production Unit.
Environmental actions continue
According to Ville Lehtikangas, the transition to carbon-neutral district heating went easily and seamlessly, as it did not require new investments or changes to existing equipment or properties.
The next item on the agenda is to conduct an energy survey. The survey will assess the current state of the production unit and identify areas where focusing efforts can yield visible results.
"The goal of the survey is to identify how we can save energy and make changes to make the energy used by machines carbon-neutral, for example," says Lehtikangas.
Currently, the company closely monitors the water and energy consumption of the property.
"We have modified our existing equipment to consume less energy, and we consider energy consumption when investing new machine and equipment. Additionally, we have replaced the lighting with energy-efficient LED bulbs”, Lehtikangas lists the environmental measures taken at the Lahdesjärvi production site.
Stopping climate change is possible - together
However, more than the actions of a single company are needed; a larger group with a common direction is needed.
"Valmet is doing its part for our shared planet, and customers and other stakeholders increasingly demand carbon neutrality. Environmental criteria can affect, for example, the availability of investment funding," Lehtikangas emphasizes the growing significance of responsibility.
Hanni Hirvonen, Customer Account Manager at Tampereen Sähkölaitos, is on the same lines that positive change can only be achieved in one way:
"The partnership between Valmet and Tampereen Sähkölaitos is a good example of how closely collaborating companies support each other and grow together to become bigger than they would be alone. At the same time, it demonstrates how we can, with our customers fulfill our mission to stop climate change. Valmet's expertise resulted in a power plant where we, in turn, produce carbon-neutral district heating. The result benefits us and all Tampere residents," she concludes.
Text by Tampereen Sähkölaitos
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