Customer case:

Valmet IQ improves supercalender operation at Sappi Kirkniemi

Nov 30, 2018

Faced with end-of-life issues for the quality control systems of two off-machine supercalenders, Sappi’s Kirkniemi mill turned to Valmet for replacements. “We already had the Valmet IQ quality control system on PM3 for two years with good results and for super calendering it offered us the potential for good control as well as online quality verification, essential for the introduction of a new product in our manufacturing portfolio,” says Heikki Järvinen, Production Engineer.


Ari Skyttä, Automation Project Manager and Heikki Järvinen, Production Engineer photographed by the Valmet IQ Scanner.

Caliper and bulk play a crucial role in our new product from the supercalenders and the improved measurements from the Valmet scanner allow us to really see what affects the caliper and how to control it.”
Ari Skyttä, Automation Project Manager


Location Lohja, Finland
Customer challenge

Introduction of a new product in manufacturing portfolio.

End-of-life issues with existing QCS


Valmet IQ Quality Control System with IQ Scanner, measurements for top and bottom gloss, caliper and moisture and CD Controls for gloss and caliper.

DCS upgraded into Valmet DNA


Quality measurements and automation on a completely new level.

Improved gloss and caliper profiles.

Lot more reliable information presented graphically very well by the system to be a real tool in product development.

Amount of customer reclamations decreased.

Keywords Board and paper, Automation, Europe