Valmet DNA eWinGEMS

Start date: Aug 12, 2024

End date: Aug 15, 2024

Location: eCourse

Your contact for this course is:

Nancy Smith

Phone: +12154502282

Please Note:  This online course runs from 1pm-5pm eastern time over the course of four days.

This course provides knowledge and hands-on experience with building a WinGEMS material and energy balance or with the understanding of how to grasp the operation of an existing model.


Anyone who uses WinGEMS for plant simulations.  Process engineers who wish to identify quick savings or developers who wish to evaluate the impact of mill improvement strategies on multiple areas.

What to expect:

-Process modules

-Controllers & calculations

-General file menu options

-Dynamic data exchange

-Simulation of various mill processes

-Compound blocks


-Hands-on exercises involving Model building

Course Outline 


No prior knowledge of WinGEMS is required, but it is recommended that a user becomes generally familiar with the WinGEMS menu buttons prior to class. 

The user needs to bring a laptop to class with Excel loaded and to have administrator’s rights to load WinGEMS licensing if not currently licensed.