An exclusive preview of the new future of nonwovens – The NonWoEvent
Mar 1, 2021
In a unique collaboration Valmet, Futura, Canalair and Oerlikon Nonwoven/Teknoweb Materials presented the new future of nonwovens. The event called the NonWoEvent allowed customers to book exclusive 2-hour live demonstration sessions of the latest nonwoven technology. For 3 consecutive weeks in December 2020, we hosted a total of 37 company sessions, a treamendus effort from the whole team on site at Futura in Lucca, Italy.

The planning leading up to the event did not proceed without challenges as the original idea was to invite customers to Lucca and spend a day together watching the demonstrations in person. As covid-19 continued to spread it had to be transformed into a digital event bringing a full camera team on board. Not only did we have a fixed studio setting, we also placed several cameras in the the machines to allow the customers to come close to the equipment. Two hand-held cameras were also following the presenters as the demonstation moved along.
Getting everything set up required shipping of equipment to Futura, and running machine tests prior to the live event. Due to the exremely high demand of facemasks and other nonwoven products at the moment securing raw material for the event was another great challenge for the team. But as the first day of presentations arrived the team in Lucca was ready and the demonstrations could start.
State of the art of winding
Valmet, represented by Fabrizio Bartolini, presented the new In-Line Winder Rollite NW1-IN which is the perfect summary of the electromechanical technology applied to material careness. Rollite Tension Nip Torque control is including all the high-tech solutions representing the state of the art of winding.
The double zone tension control system, together with the Nip control with patented ACC (Active Caliper Control) and dedicated independent support roll are designed to be so gentle with the product as it would on human skin. Three torque points action is also insuring a perfect control of the reel’s final density. Rollite NW1 series are also designed to give our customer the best mix of quality performance and efficiency. In this sense the event guests had the chance to see the zero-waste doffing operations and the automatic simultaneous slitting positioning system, that can adjust a new slitting set in seconds instead of minutes as it happens with a conventional automatic slitting system. The simultaneous system is using 50mm-wide knives to give users the possibility to set that measure as their minimum slitting width.
Automation fully integrated
Thanks to the cooperation with the Automation team, Valmet will be the only producer able to supply fully integrated end-of-line with defect detection and efficient defect removal system, and a deep web quality control to improve quality efficiency and savings on production lines. The cooperation also gives the possibility to customers to use Valmet Performance Center which is the best way to emphasize the advantages of Industrial Internet to improve performances.
Welcome to run your test trials
Rollite NW1-IN is now installed in the Pescia facilities, Italy. All the features of the machine will be available again to be shown and directly tested during dedicated running trials by customer who can verify and experience the Valmet Rollite care for products right on their products!