Customer case:

Steam consumption decreased after applying Infinikote® Yankee metallising

Dec 5, 2022

Pindo Deli-Perawang mill has 23 tissue machines in operation, it produces over 800k tonnes per year. Perawang mill was looking for a yankee metallising supplier who has a proven track record coupled with high quality standards and consistent results.

Beside that, our steam consumption has also decreased from 1.7 to 1.3 tonne per tonne tissue.”
Amudi Simamora, Machine Manager Tissue Block 4


Location Sumatra, Indonesia

To find yankee metallising provider with a proven track record coupled with high quality standards and consistent results

Why select Valmet
  • Infinikote® is the best material for Yankee metallising, giving low wear rate with uniform and improved heat transfer
  • Infinikote® global reference list of over 700 tissue Yankee cylinders
  • Global experts support local delivery to ensure best results
  • Reduction in steam consumption coupled with improved and consistent tissue quality

Keywords Infinikote® Yankee metallising, Asia Pacific