Metsä Tissue chooses Infinikote-2 for second yankee coating: a safe and reliable solution
Feb 14, 2024
The successful results from an earlier coating with Infinikote-2, made Metsä Tissue contact Valmet again when it was time to metallise another one of their yankees. Both tougher and more wear resistant than Infinikote-1, as well as 100% chrome-free, makes Infinikote-2 the safest and most reliable coating on the market, making it a great choice for Metsä Tissue.

From frequent chatter marks to years of solid productivity
When choosing Valmet’s metallising solution Infinikote-2, Metsä Tissue made the product assessment based on an earlier experience with the same coating applied to their PM35 yankee. The coating has been performing at its best for over six years without any chatter marks or problems whatsoever, so choosing Infinikote-2 for their PM36 yankee felt both safe and productive. “A very positive aspect with this type of coating is the application process. Without the toxic gases, it is safe for both the personnel and the environment”, says Richard Karlkvist, Production Manager at Metsä Tissue.
Important goals to reach through coating
Richard highlights that the goals Metsä Tissue wants to reach, are another reason behind the choice of coating. “We are hoping to achieve less unplanned stops for grinding and other types of maintenance work for the yankee. The quality of the end-product is also an important parameter where we are looking to improve both creping efficiency and softness”. The earlier coating for the PM36 yankee was Infinikote-1, which Metsä Tissue also had good results with compared to previous reoccurring problems with chatter marks and frequent grindings of the yankee surface. The new investment with Infinikote-2 is another upgrade for the yankee, and the expectation is that it performs equally well or better compared to PM35 yankee.
Success with tight schedule at PM36
“For the yankee grinding and metallising with Infinikote-2 we had a very tight schedule and limited time for the shut. Luckily the whole process was smooth, and we managed to finish earlier than planned. The dialogue with Valmet grinding team was very good and allowed for a continuously updated schedule on our behalf”, Richard explains. A report of the maintenance work was delivered a few days after completion and the Metsä Tissue team had a very successful start-up, with production up and running short after the installation.
100% chrome-free for safety and reliability
Globally, Valmet has over 800 references of applying Infinikote to both cast iron and steel Yankee cylinders and is the most successful thermal sprayed coating on the market. Infinikote-2 is patented on both material and application process, with many benefits and overall prolonged life of the Yankee cylinder surface. Furthermore, Infinikote-2 is 100% chrome-free and still equals or surpasses all current measured criteria for thermal-spray coating performance, making it both safe, environmentally friendly, and a market leader. “Valmet, keep up the good work and the great focus on delivering quality!”, says Metsä Tissue.
A very positive aspect with this type of coating is the application process. Without the toxic gases, it is safe for both the personnel and the environment”, says Richard Karlkvist, Production Manager at Metsä Tissue.