Over 45 years of flow control service excellence
Mar 19, 2021
With over 45 years of experience and expertise, Valmet Flow Control (former Neles) services are available through more than 40 service locations in more than 20 countries. We have more than 400 dedicated service professionals with in-depth valve application expertise at your service. Let us introduce you to our service offering.

World-class flow control services
Overall, we have 65 years of experience and expertise in valve technology. For more than 45 years, we have been developing our expert valve services know-how and solutions. We opened our first valve service center in 1975 and, ever since, we have been investing in the comprehensive knowledge of our valve service experts and advancing the development of our services solutions.
Starting from maintenance and spare parts, we have expanded our services portfolio to include more tailored solutions that meet our customers’ ever-increasing process challenges. Today, our extensive flow control services also consist of business solutions and services that ensure the reliability and availability of plants and minimize risks.
Your reliability partner
We know that reliability is at the core of every successful process plant’s operations, and that is why we are your reliability partner in valve services. With our global expertise, fine-tuned processes, and digital tools, we provide you with deep insights and information about the condition of your devices. Our valve services have led the way in the use of data to improve process reliability since the mid-90s. Together with your site-specific knowledge and experience, we make data-based decisions and define actions to deliver the best results for reliability and performance.
A concrete example how we use data to your benefit: We collect data from engineering through valve operation to maintenance and complement that with process and/or valve diagnostics. We use predictive analytics tools to identify and prioritize the valves requiring maintenance or to define the optimum spare parts inventory to meet your reliability targets.
Today, we are involved in over 100 service agreements globally. Our valve service experts do about 3,000 site visits and overhaul more than 20,000 valves every year. We also have leading expertise in plant shutdown management and carry out approximately 100 major shutdowns annually.
“Our customers’ needs have changed considerably over the past few decades. Nowadays, we often plan maintenance and service activities together with our customers, and we tailor our offering and solutions to ensure the best possible results for them,” says Sami Nousiainen, Vice President of MRO and Services business unit.
Services that exceed expectations
We have made it our personal business to make sure that your business runs reliably, smoothly, and safely. With our modular portfolio, we can create tailor-made valve service solutions that help our customers meet their business objectives.
This is also reflected in the results of our customer satisfaction surveys. Based on the feedback collected from our service customers, our average score in customer satisfaction was just over 9 (on a scale of 1 to 10). In addition, our safety culture was rated just under 9.
Today’s market requires customers to continuously look to improve their business efficiency. Our service solutions have been designed to help you meet your targets by delivering safety, availability, profitability, and reliability.

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