HC bleaching success at Rottneros
Nov 2, 2016
A Valmet cost-effective HC (High Consistency) bleach plant was the natural choice when Rottneros invested to increase its competitiveness in market pulp sales. Results after the start up show that it was the right choice.

The long term target at Rottneros is to increase total production at the plant from 150,000 to 200,000 tons/year and at the CTMP plant from 80,000 to 120,000 tons/year.
Building a HC bleach plant with improved washing on the existing CTMP line was the first step.
The contract was signed during October 2015. During January 2016, work began on the building. The first machine was delivered in July. In mid-September, the bleach plant was started up and has operated flawlessly since then. Completion of the project called for holding to a ridged schedule. And it was kept. Less than two weeks were required for the final inspection and startup. Part of the success can be attributed to the training maintenance and operating staff received before start up.
- Chemical consumption has been reduced by about 20% - which contributes to a very favorable ROI.
- Production has increased From 270 to 330 tons/day
- Refiner production has increased from 12.5 to 14 tons/hour
- Daily production record has been exceeded several times and now the target is a new monthly record
- Reduction of the COD content of the pulp has been achieved
- Availability has been close to 100%.
The operationally reliable equipment Valmet supplied has contributed to lower production costs and higher quality of the final product. And now the initial target at Rottneros calling for increased competiveness in the future has been achieved.