Valmet PMC Monitor and PMC Analytics


Valmet Industrial Internet offering regarding paper machine clothing consists of three modules:

PMC Dashboard as a default part of Valmet Customer Portal - visual view to monitor your paper machine clothing

PMC Monitor with no data connectivity required - to keep track and plan your paper machine clothing pipeline

PMC Analytics which requires access to process data - to distinct the good characteristics of your fabrics with efficient benchmarking

Valmet Paper Machine Clothing Monitoring (PMC Monitor)

Keeping a track of your fabric inventory is vital to avoid shortages and surpluses in stock levels. As a Valmet Industrial Internet application - PMC Monitor provides a hub containing all crucial fabric related data in one place:

  • fabric status and location
  • inventory situation for each position
  • relevant statistics of all fabrics

PMC Monitor's dashboards

  • Overview – Current fabric lifetime and warehouse follow-up
  • Pipeline management – View the status of fabrics
  • Fabric cards – History data about ran fabrics


Having all fabric related data in one place allows more streamlined view of the whole fabric pipeline

Easier inventory management through better understanding of current fabric situation

Support tool for inventory management and supply chain planning

Valmet Paper Machine Clothing Analytics (PMC Analytics)

Following the performance of your fabrics is a crucial for improving the board and papermaking process. As a Valmet Industrial Internet application - PMC Analytics provides a tool for efficient and easy benchmarking of fabrics through following up the key values of the process.

PMC Analytics’ dashboards

  • Overview – Monitor changes of your current fabrics
  • Performance dashboard – Benchmarking against previous fabrics
  • Fabric explorer – Compare fabrics by using original data


Online monitoring of fabrics’ performance

Explore the data from fabrics point of view

Efficient benchmarking of the fabrics allows better distinction of the characteristics of good running periods

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