TIP New decanter
New decanter with PM10 filtering system
It eliminates, suctioning from blade area, the emery generated by the grinding wheels of the circular blades, the filings produced by the removed steel, the dust coming from the systems used for sharpening the wheels, as well as oil deposits.
PM10 particulate remains blocked in the filter without being dispersed into the environment
Quick and easy maintenance. Reduced energy consumption compared to the traditional Aspiratutto
Reduction of the risk of fire in the logsaw
TIP installable on: 112D - 113 - 164E - 165E - 165EVO - 174E - 175E - 176E - 176EVO - 177 - 177EVO - 179AX - 181E - 182E/2 - 182E/3 - 182E/4 - 183E - 184D - 184EVO - 185 - BA177EVO - MYSAW - 162E - 163E

Main characteristics
The filtration system is composed by three sections: a water blast chiller that retains larger particles, a panel shape filter G2 class and at last a PM10 filter that drastically reduces the emission of fine particles into the environment.
In case that on the logsaw is already installed the Narghy system, new decanter can be installed as replacement.
*Please note that these are standard characteristics of the TIP. To receive additional information, contact us, clicking on "request a free consultation"