Valmet Marine Water Treatment System

Proven in-house technology for reliable water treatment


Valmet’s state-of-the-art water treatment solution for marine is based on patented and enhanced cross-flow technology. At the heart of the solution is Valmet Ultrafilter CR, which originates from the paper industry where it has been used for decades to treat industrial process water.

Minimum downtime

Low sludge production

Low consumption of fresh water

Low maintenance

Enhanced cross-flow membrane filtration

The Valmet Marine Water Treatment unit uses rotors to enhance the dynamic cross-flow membrane filtration. These rotors prevent particles from penetrating the membrane pores and clogging the membranes. This keeps the filter clean, eliminating the need for any chemicals in daily operation. The only chemical used is detergent for weekly membrane cleaning.

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Compact design

The Valmet Marine Water Treatment System is a one-step solution consisting of four modules: the feed module, filter module, permeate module and CIP module. These four modules can be placed according to the limited available space on board.

Minimum water treatment system downtime

The Valmet Marine Water Treatment unit withstands very high total suspended solids (TSS) concentrations. Therefore, the system can treat a high solid feed rate without risk of membrane clogging.

Fully automatic process

Valmet’s solution enables the operator to monitor the water treatment system from the engine control room or a local control panel.

The Valmet DNA automation system handles all process phases independently – without any input required from the operator. Operators can easily access all operation data with intelligent history trends and time-lapse tools. An efficient history data collection helps the operator optimize the filtration proess. A clear user interface further supports the operator's work.

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Compared to conventional water treatment units, Valmet Ultrafilter CR is quite reliable and easy to use. The main advantages of Valmet Ultrafilter CR are reliability, full automation and low day-to-day maintenance. Our systems have been in operation since February 2019.”

Kostas Pechlivanidis
, Chief Engineer, Celebrity Cruises / Celebrity Edge

Valmet Ultrafilter CR is a much better system than the previous one we used in our applications. Valmet Ultrafilter CR is quite an easy system to use and doesn’t require much attention or maintenance. With proper maintenance and a timely chemical wash, it can be used for long periods of time. For us, it has been in use now for more than a year.”

Kostas Kallinikos
, Chief Engineer, Mein Schiff 2

The system is working in automatic mode without any issues. We like the fact that the effluent discharge comes out very clean and without any heavy particles. Additionally, we like that the effluent is recirculated back into the system. At Mein Schiff 1, Valmet Ultrafilter CR has been in use for approximately two years.”

Konstantinos Stathakis
, Chief Engineer, Mein Schiff 1

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Valmet Water Treatment system in marine application