Keeping the wheels rolling when the world is slowing down
Apr 6, 2020
Italy is closed. Totally. Office workers are utilizing Smart working from home. You can't go anywhere without permission, except to the grocery store or pharmacy. Recently the government implemented even stricter regulations where most of the industries must close their production, except a few that are considered sensitive for the country. Production of paper making machines is still allowed to operate so far.

In Pescia, Giuseppe Fronteddu and Vincenzo Gangemi manage to handle the challenge to combine social responsibility and fulfilling our customer's expectations. Giuseppe and Vincenzo are working to keep the delivery time for a rewinder to a tissue customer. The production team has been split in shifts to enhance social distance while working. Of course, personal protection equipment and strict hygiene routines are more important than ever.
Giuseppe Fronteddu and Vincenzo Gangemi in front of a Reelite 20 ENS, soon to be shipped to a customer
"Naturally we are worried about the situation. One month ago, we lived a normal life where we could go to the beach or the supermarket when ever we wanted. Today we can only go to one specific store, stand one hour in queue to get some food, and go straight back home, everything else is closed. The disaster is a fact" says Giuseppe.
"When the society is closing, and we practice social distancing it feels somehow that we are getting closer mentally. It feels good to be here to keep the wheels rolling, to help our country and our customers in this tough situation. It also gives a sense or normality in an unnormal world" Vincenzo continues.
You can be a lethal weapon
Giuseppe and Vincenzo would like to send a greeting to all Valmet colleagues in the world:
"Adjust to the situation, follow the restrictions from the authorities. Remember that your own actions matter. Don't think just about yourself, in times of crisis we need to care about each other and the society. Maybe you don't feel sick but if you go out you can be a lethal weapon for other people. We need to think in different ways, adapt to a more community-oriented mind. If everyone take responsibility of what they do, keep social distance, use personal protection and wash their hands, it is possible to satisfy both societies, our country and our customers"
Solidarity comes from the heart
Also, in Gorizia people are working to keep up with scheduled delivery times. And when times are tough, we need to invent new ways to collaborate with our customers and suppliers as well as help each other out in a difficult situation.
"We talk a lot about values in Valmet and in this difficult situation we can really see that the People value "we are working together to make a difference" really comes from the heart of our people. When someone needs help, we support each other, no matter where we are," says Paolo Vezil, Product Sales Manager, in Italy.
One example where the support came in an unexpected way was when Valmet in Italy were close to run out of face masks. When Valmet colleagues in China, heard that they immediately started to dig out where to find more, bought them and shipped to Italy, just like that.
"That type of solidarity helped the workshop people to ensure we can continue assisting our customers, keep the wheels rolling and our people safe. This is what living our values is all about" Paolo Vezil concludes.
Gorizia workshop personnel sending thanks to colleagues in China for the face masks