TIP HMI replacement
Operator panels replacement
This TIP permits to replace the human-machine interface devices with versions of current production. Machine downtime due to the lack of spare parts is therefore avoided, since the panels installed on the machines are out of production.
Increment in reliability thanks to the use of latest generation devices
Greater efficiency
Clear and better understandable graphics for an improved user experience
Prevention of unexpected machine downtime
TIP installable on all machines equipped with Panelmate and/or Siemens HMIs.

Main characteristics
Machine downtime due to the lack of spare parts is therefore avoided, since the panels installed on the machines are out of production.
The existing operator panel is replaced by a new one with the use of current production material from Siemens, installing it in a simple way on the machine.
The graphic part of the new panel is aligned with current Valmet standards, permitting a better user experience of the operators
*Please note that these are standard characteristics of the TIP. To receive additional information, contact us, clicking on "request a free consultation"