Customer case:

Sofidel virtualized DCS and QCS in tissue production

May 4, 2016

Faced with an automation upgrade at its Delipapier plant, Sofidel took the advanced step of virtualizing the control and quality systems on tissue machine 1.

We have immediate access to details about a problem whether it occurred at the weekend or six months ago. We use it all the time to improve the process. Improvements like this have a big impact to our production.”
Stephane Bonnet, Production Manager


Location Frouard, France

Faced with an automation upgrade, a traditional upgrade would have involved a substantial investment to replace computer hardware and automation infrastructure. 

Replacing many servers or PCs in a distributed system not only alleviates questions of reliability and spare part availability but also addresses the ability of using newer software to take the latest advances of automation technology into use.


Virtualization allows the physical computer hardware to be separated from the software by creating Virtual Machines (VM) in a host server to provide a much more fault tolerant and stable environment for critical applications.

Significantly reduces computer hardware required in the upgrade and lowers the expense of maintaining multiple operating platforms in the mill.


Servers are now located in a clean and controlled environment which will maximize their service life.

Improved process visibility; Valmet DNA Historian, a high-performance data management system that collects real-time process data.

Keywords Tissue; Automation; Rebuilds and upgrades; Improvements; Europe