Customer case:

Tampereen Energiatuotanto’s Hervanta woodchip-fired heating plant – totally genuine local heat

Oct 22, 2015

Tampereen Energiatuotanto Oy’s new heating plant located in Hervanta area of Tampere is fired by wood chips and peat. The plant will reduce the need to use heavy-fuel-oil-fired heating plants, thus lowering the carbon-dioxide emissions generated in district heat production. The plant will serve as a base-load power plant annexed to Tampere's district heating grid and it will primarily serve the Hervanta area. In the heating plant solution, special attention has been paid to reducing noise and emissions through noise suppression technology, machinery choices, a triple-field electrostatic precipitator and a flue-gas scrubber, among other things. The plant will be operated remotely from a control room in Lielahti using a Valmet automation system. The new wood-chip plant began producing heat in May 2015.

"The new heating plant will have a significant role in ensuring district heat supply for Hervanta and Kaukajärvi. Utilization of the heating plant will be highest during winter and during the power plants' scheduled maintenance."
Antti-Jussi Halminen, Managing Director of Tampereen Energiantuotanto


Location Tampereen Energiantuotanto Oy, located in the Hervanta area of Tampere, Finland.
Customer challenge The woodchip-fired heating plant in Hervanta is part of a wider investment program, where Tampereen Sähkölaitos will move from fossil fuels towards renewable fuels. The heating plant in Hervanta decreases the need for heating plants using heavy fuel oil, which in turn reduces carbon dioxide emissions caused by the production of district heat.
Solution Wood-chip-fired heating plant based on Valmet BFB Boiler's (formerly HYBEX) bubbling fluidized bed combustion technology.
Results Will reduce the need to use heavy-fuel-oil-fired heating plants, thus lowering the carbon-dioxide emissions generated in district heat production
Keywords Heating plant, BFB boiler, flue gas scrubber, automation system, Finland

Technical data

Steam 45 MWth
Hot water boiler plant
10 bar
Fuels Wood fuels, milled peat
Start-up 2015