Valmet's safest year ever
Mar 23, 2016
The year 2015 was Valmet’s safest ever with a 40% reduction in lost time incident frequency (LTIF). This rate refers to the number of injuries resulting in absence of at least one workday per million hours worked.
At the end of the year Valmet's LTIF stood at 3.3. Our target is to achieve a LTIF of 2 by 2018. In 2015, our operations were again fatality-free for both our people and our contractors.
We have systematically developed our management approach to ensure continuous improvement in safety culture, processes, competencies and performance.
In 2015, our focus was on improving preventative safety measures, strengthening safety awareness and leadership and harmonizing HSE practices in key processes globally.
Read more about our safety progress in Valmet's Annual Report 2015 or watch the video from our customer site in Australia to find out how we build safety excellence - every day.

Bertel Karlstedt, President of Valmet’s Pulp and Energy Business Line, on a construction site safety walk in Cikarang, Indonesia. Valmet leaders focus on reinforcing safe behaviour and supporting continuous improvements during regular safety walks of all our operations. By actively discussing safety during these walks our leaders engage everyone in our commitment to moving safety forward towards our goal of zero harm.