Customer case:

New refiner replaced two old, and saved energy up to 20%

Nov 16, 2015

Cartiere Ermolli, produces specialty grades in Italy for flexible packaging like food wrapping papers. When creating specialty papers, doing refining right is fundamental. Mechanical properties of the fiber cannot be destroyed so the amount and the quality of the refining must be right, without any harmful cutting effects. When they needed increase in capacity and end product quality, the solution was OptiFiner Pro refiner.

Absolutely the most positive part of the new refiner is its simplicity and the unique operating principle. Since the new refiner was installed, it has been easier to achieve the paper characteristics we need”.
Loris Not, Operations Manager


Location Cartiere Ermolli Mill in Moggio Udinese, Italy
Customer challenge

Too low capacity, old equipment, end product quality


New OptiFiner Pro refiner that replaces two old refiners


More controlled refining process, improved end product quality, up to 20% less energy while achieving the same freeness value as before, lower maintenance costs.


Board and paper, Rebuilds, Europe