Valmet introduces IO-Link technology into Stonel valve communication and control products
Jan 9, 2025

IO-Link nodes: 51,6 m and growing. Source: IO-Link
Valmet is pleased to announce the introduction of IO-Link technology into our Stonel™ valve communication and control products. IO-Link provides a communications network for easily deploying and utilizing advanced diagnostics from Stonel devices. This valuable diagnostic information improves preventative maintenance, reduces trouble shooting, and minimizes failures for ultimate cost savings. Our customers will enjoy advanced diagnostics, improved connectivity and enhanced application capabilities.
The 3-wire communication standard is non-proprietary technology that is hosted by Profibus International (PI). The IO-Link community encompass over 400 companies from the automation and communications industries with an installation of tens of millions of nodes and growing rapidly.
There are multiple end-user benefits that the IO-Link technology provides.
- Wiring and connectivity standards allow for a simplified, reduced, inexpensive and harmonized solution.
- Device identification and parameterization simplifies commissioning and replacement.
- Diagnostics are standardized and comprehensive.
- Digital communication is accurate and robust.
Including IO-Link technology into our Stonel offering allows for standardized and comprehensive diagnostics in process applications where on/off valves are installed. This information is accessible because the field device is wired into higher level protocols. Load the IO-Link Device Description (IODD) information into the master and the process begins. Set parameters for events, alarms and errors that can be configured for monitoring plus have access with human-readable text. Our Stonel devices with this technology provide operators access to the diagnostics thru both hard-wired and wireless capabilities using the Stonel Wireless Link app, soon to be released for Android and available for iOS since 2015.
IO-Link enables Stonel devices, along with other instrumentation such as pressure/flow/temperature, to be connected to the industrial network (EtherNet/IP), fieldbus, or backplane network, with industry standard cables and M12 pin-connectors. Connecting field devices to an industrial ethernet is managed thru IO-Link masters. A Stonel device with IO-Link allows operators to enable alarm conditions that generate an “event” on the IO-Link network that can be seen by the IO-Link master, transferred to higher levels (PLC / DCS), and read by IO-Link tools. “The IO-Link technology in the Stonel valve control products will provide customer’s end-to-end cost benefits from deployment to maintenance. Customers will benefit from IO-Link’s ease of deployment with simple wiring and configuration, plus lower maintenance costs with advanced diagnostics,” says Bruce Domino, Stonel Product Manager, Flow Control, Valmet.
IO-Link is a serial, bi-directional point-to-point connection for signal transmission and energy supply under any network, fieldbus, or backplane. Source: IO-Link
Valmet’s 3-wire Stonel devices offer simplicity to the end-users due to its multiple application capabilities. One model number can be applied to either a conventional layout (with the added benefit of auto-sensing and calibrating PNP or NPN) or an IO-Link application. Therefore, in facilities that use both conventional I/O and IO-Link, the end-user can utilize the same device.
The IO-Link technology is available globally in the Stonel Eclipse limit switch for on/off valve applications and in 2025 it will be available in the Stonel Prism valve controller for sanitary diaphragm and other linear applications.
For further information, please contact:
Bruce Domino, Stonel Product Manager, Flow Control, Valmet, tel. +1 218 737 0732
More info: IO-Link