Customer case:

Valmet secures everyday operations and increases BFB power plant production by 4%

Aug 15, 2023

Uni Viridas delivers fuel and sells heat and electricity from their biomass power plant in Babina Greda, Croatia. Valmet takes care of the plant’s operation and maintenance. The operation and maintenance contract with Valmet has now been extended by ten years.

After Valmet's excellent performance for the last three years, it was only logical to continue this cooperation for the next ten years,"
Alkin Yaman, Strategy & Business Development Manager of Unit Group in Istanbul


Location Uni Viridas d.o.o, Babina Greda, Croatia
Customer challenge Securing an exceptional start-up curve and quickly reaching a stable production level for the biomass fired BFB power plant. 
Solution Outsourcing the whole operation of the plant, including outage works and both preventive and corrective maintenance, giving Valmet full responsibility on a 10-year contract with services including: 

● Operation and maintenance planning, management and reporting 

● Personnel management & administration

● Daily operations, maintenance and shutdown management 

● HSE-Q management, especially safety issues 

● Management and technical remote support services 



Plant Fluidized bed boiler – BioPower 8 CEX modular power plant
Start-up date 2015
Steam 30 MWth, 10,6 kg/s, 91 bar, 505 °C 
Turbine 7,5-10 MWe
Fuels Wood biomass


Aug 22, 2023