Pilot trials for secured investment decisions

two pilot machines | from headbox to drying | for all paper and board grades

Looking to change up your production

to improve efficiency?

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Whether you are considering production line modernization to improve existing papermaking processes or investing in new production line we are talking about significant capital investments. To ensure right investment  decisions, you should select solutions that you know to be well tested. Valmet offers extensive testing services at our Paper Technology Center  in Jyväskylä, Finland, covering the entire board and paper machine processes.

Your R&D team is warmly welcome to join our experts to develop the  optimal configuration to support your papermaking demands also in the future.

Watch the video to see the pilot facilities and learn about the technologies available for testing.

Flexible pilot concepts for different grades

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Valmet Paper Technology Center in Jyväskylä, Finland, offers several configurations to serve your specific papermaking needs. Here are some examples of different pilot concepts of our two pilot machines:

Valmet Jyväskylä pilot trials concept 1-4 Valmet Jyväskylä pilot trials concept 2-4







Valmet Jyväskylä pilot trials concept 3


Customer experiences of Valmet Pilot Trials

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Valmet Jyväskylä pilot trial reference 1Valmet Jyväskylä pilot trials reference 2



Read more about cases, where pilot trials have played a significant role

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Examples of innovations you can test at our Paper Technology Center

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Ready to transform your process?

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At Valmet, we help paper and board makers to reach their targets, whether it is more cost-efficient production or improved end product convertability or printability.